Grave Number: 81
O Lord have Mercy onthe Soul of Bernard Carry
who dep'd this Life Augst 1st
1832 Ag'd 73 y'rs Also his
wife Elizabeth Carry
Alias Eigo dep'd Augst 17th 1834
Ag'd 66 y'rs Ere'd by their
Sons Darby Will'm Thm's
& Barney
Those Interred:
Firstname | Surname | Maiden Name/Alias | Year of Death | Age |
Elizabeth | Carry | 1834 | 66 | |
Bernard | Carry | 1832 | 73 |
Erected By:
Firstname | Surname | Maiden Name/Alias |
Barney | Carry | |
Darby | Carry | |
Thomas | Carry | |
William | Carry |