Grave Number: 158
O Lord have Mercy onthe Soul of Maurice Ward
who Depd ys Life Novbr 24th
1792 agd 66 yrs also his wife
Catrine Ward Alias Plunket
Who Depd May ye 15th 1791 agd
62 yrs as also their Grandson
Patt Ward who Dep'd Dec'r
ye 9th 1806 ag'd 25 yrs Ere'd
By his Father Maurice
Ward and Jno his Brother
Those Interred:
Firstname | Surname | Maiden Name/Alias | Year of Death | Age |
Patrick | Ward | 1806 | 25 | |
Catherine | Ward | Plunket | 1791 | 62 |
Maurice | Ward | 1792 | 66 |
Erected By:
Firstname | Surname | Maiden Name/Alias |
Maurice | Ward | |
John | Ward |